Flashback 2006: Algore: We Have Ten Years Left Before Earth Cooks
Limbaugh’s Al Gore Armageddon Clock About To Hit Zero After 10 Years
Aussie Study: ‘Climate Change’ Is Taking ‘A Toll On Farmers’ Mental Health’ (Based on survey of 22 farmers in one town)
24 days to Al Gore’s ’10 years to save the planet’ and ‘point of no return’ planetary emergency deadline
24 days to Al Gore’s ’10 years to save the planet’ and ‘point of no return’ planetary emergency deadline http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/01/02/24-days-to-al-gores-10-years-to-save-the-planet-and-point-of-no-return-planetary-emergency-deadline From the “say your prayers, we’re gonna roast” department. On January 25th, 2006, while at the Sundance film festival, screening “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al Gore said this as chronicled in an article by CBS News: […]
New Paper By Renowned Sea Level Expert Nils-Axel Mörner, Calls AGW A “New Religion” Built On “False Premises.”
New Paper By Renowned Sea Level Expert Nils-Axel Mörner, Calls AGW A “New Religion” Built On “False Premises.” http://notrickszone.com/2016/01/03/new-paper-by-renowned-sea-level-expert-nils-axel-morner-calls-agw-a-new-religion-built-on-false-premises/ Renowned sea level expert and geoscience professor Nils-Axel Mörner recently published a paper in the Journal of Religious Studies, Buddhism and Living titled: “The New Religion of Global Warming and its Misconception in Science“. Obviously the retired […]
NOAA scientists admit in private that they can’t name any place affected by ocean acidification
NOAA scientists admit in private that they can’t name any place affected by ocean acidification http://joannenova.com.au/2016/01/noaa-scientists-admit-in-private-that-they-cant-name-any-place-affected-by-ocean-acidification/ There’s the truth, then there’s the whole truth. From a climate expert at NOAA, the study of ocean acidification is so young “they don’t have any data sets that show a direct effect of OA on population health” and […]
Paris Agreement: Recycled “Process” Socialism
Paris Agreement: Recycled “Process” Socialism http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/globalwarmingorg/~3/zHj0umOVoFk/ At the Paris climate conference, President Obama got exactly what he wanted: the framework for a multi-decade, global campaign of political pressure directed chiefly against Republicans and their fossil-fuel industry allies. The Paris Agreement does not directly impose “legally binding” emission-reduction and “climate finance” commitments on the United States. But both […]
Drought buster? Up to 10 feet of snow this week for California’s Sierra Nevada
Drought buster? Up to 10 feet of snow this week for California’s Sierra Nevada http://wattsupwiththat.com/2016/01/04/drought-buster-up-to-10-feet-of-snow-this-week-for-californias-sierra-nevada Here is some good news for drought-stricken California; the latest forecast model output from WeatherBell suggests that the Sierra Nevada snow-pack will get a fresh dump of up to 10 feet of snow. The Sierra snow-pack has already been reported […]
Claim: Global warming a major threat to birds
Claim: Global warming a major threat to birds http://junkscience.com/2016/01/claim-global-warming-a-major-threat-to-birds/ How slight variances in the artificial construct of mean global temperature kills birds is beyond me. The Welland Tribune reports: Possibly this is a more likely threat, caused by CO2 hysteria: — gReader Pro