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EPA: Give Gift Cards for Christmas Presents to Save the Environment

The Environmental Protection Agency is asking Americans to consider giving gift cards for Christmas presents this year to save the environment. In its tips to “Reduce Waste for Greener Holidays,” the agency instructed readers to think about how much wrapping paper they use. “Friends, family, parties, and travel are what make the holiday season great,” […]

Belgian Chemistry Prof Calls UN climate summit A ‘Resounding Failure’ …’A Grand Illusion’ Based On ‘Delirium’!

Stinging Criticism: Belgian Prof Calls COP21 A “Resounding Failure” …”A Grand Illusion” Based On “Delirium”! The Belgian online Le Peuple here interviewed István Marko, Professor of Chemistry at the UCL, and a so-called climate non-alarmist, on what he thought of the results of the highly ballyhooed Paris COP21 climate summit and agreement. Photo: Unrealistic […]