New “Historical Draft” Is Delusional …Will Go Down In History As Certificate Of Madness And Hysteria
Here’s the new “Historical Draft“, which soon will up for signing into international law. Skimming it, at first glance, the draft appears watered down. On the temperature target: On financing: It’s going to take some time to digest read through the content. By then it’ll likely either be ratified, or discarded. Reading it I couldn’t help but think this is a document of madness. Global temperature cannot be regulated. It’s delusional to think so. Unless you’re going to make money from it, why would anyone want to sign it and ensure a place in history’s Laughing Stock Hall of Fame? The passage that sparked this thought clearly shows the levels human delusion can reach, Article 2, Paragraph 1, part (a): Signatories to this treaty will go down as historical fools who let themselves get caught up in hysteria.
— gReader Pro