Muslim Clerics Launch ‘Green Jihad’ On Climate Change

  Excerpt: Imam Ibrahim Saidy brought his symposiums and his monthly fasting to the Paris climate talks, hoping to call attention to the problems and injustice of global warming. He calls it “green jihad.” The Muslim cleric from Norway came up with the idea of an environmental holy movement a year ago. He uses the […]

‘Reporters’ attacking Exxon didn’t always disclose funding from environmentalists

‘Reporters’ attacking Exxon didn’t always disclose funding from environmentalists “But archived screenshots obtained by TheDCNF show Columbia’s website did not disclose its funding sources as late as Oct. 10, 2015 — one day after journalism school reporters published their first piece in The LA Times.” Read more: Mike . . . — gReader […]

Fired skeptic French Meteorologist working for Russian media because he’s allowed to comment with ‘complete freedom’

Fired skeptic French weatherman working for Russian media b/c he’s allowed to comment with ‘complete freedom’ Imagine that. Putin allows more freedom than France. reports: Google translation below: Philippe Verdier, the Weatherman France 2 fired after the publication of Climate investigation (Ring, October 2015), was recruited by the French branch of Russia Today […]

First clips of ‘Climate Hustle’ air on Hannity devastate warming hype

First clips of “Climate Hustle” air on Hannity devastate warming hype Watch Sean Hannity feature the first clips of CFACT’s ground-breaking new film “Climate Hustle.” Warm, cold, more snow, less snow, dry, wet, you name it, the global warming crowd attributes it to “climate change.” They’ve gotten away with this double talk long enough. […]

Climate proponent: ‘Why not a war on global warming?’

Climate proponent: “Why not a war on global warming?” Guest essay by Eric Worrall Anthropology professor Wade Davis wants to declare war on global warming, comparing the battle against CO2 to military conflict in WW2. Writing in The Globe and Mail, based in Toronto, Canada; … Why have we not fully mobilized and declared […]

Bill Nye: Paris Terrorist Attacks Linked to Climate Change “There is a water shortage in Syria, this is fact based—small and medium farmers have abandoned their farms because there’s not enough water, not enough rainfall. And especially the young people who have not grown up there, have not had their whole lives invested in living off the land, the young people have gone […]