Fraud: Proposed solutions to global warming are virtually identical to those of another climate problem — the ice age predicted in the 1970s. Make no mistake: Fear spread about climate change is about politics, not science.
Be grateful to the undead for doing the work. An anonymous blogger known as Zombie has “finished reading a terrifying new book about climate change” so we don’t have to.
From that book, he (or maybe she) learned that “climate change is happening faster than we realize, and it will have catastrophic consequences for mankind.”
Zombie also found that “there’s very little we can do to stop it at this late stage, but we might be able to save ourselves if we immediately take these necessary and drastic steps,” which include:
• Increasing our reliance on alternative energy sources and using less oil and other carbon-based fuels.
• Adopting energy-efficient habits in all areas of our lives, however inconvenient they are.
• Imposing punitive taxes on inefficient or polluting activities to discourage them.
• Funneling large sums of money from developed nations such as America to Third World nations.
• In general, embracing all environmental causes.
Zombie admitted that there was “a little glitch” in his/her narrative, though. The book he/she read “was indeed about climate change,” but “it wasn’t about global warming at all; it was instead book titled ‘The Coming of the New Ice Age,’ and it isn’t exactly ‘new’ — it was published in 1977.”
Zombie’s blog post isn’t exactly new, either. It was written in 2012.
But it is recent enough to make a valid point, because when the United Nations climate summit closes early next month in Paris, the climate-change solutions that emerge will look just like those from the 1977 book warning about the coming ice age.
The delegates will demand that we cut our fossil fuel consumption; use taxpayers’ money to fund expensive and unreliable renewable and alternative energy sources; increase taxes and regulations in wealthy nations; and send large sums of money from the First World to developing nations.
This is no coincidence. These “solutions” are what the climate scares have always been about. Science? Forget it. The efforts to frighten and bully are a raw political campaign, a fact that Zombie’s post confirms.
The Solution Remains the Same
As many other pundits and analysts have pointed out, in the mid-to-late 1970s we endured a massive “climate change scare” that was the exact opposite of the one we’re enduring now. Back then, the media and activists trumpeted the arrival of a new ice age, with the specter of ice sheets and glaciers covering half the northern hemisphere, and brutal winters in the remaining ice-free zones.
The fact that the media and popular culture and academia have veered from one panic-inducing disaster scenario to another one which completely contradicts the first one is funny enough in its own right. But reading The Weather Conspiracy: The Coming of the New Ice Age opened my eyes to an even more significant aspect of this serial crisis-mongering:
The “solutions” prescribed to solve both Global Warming and the looming Ice Age are exactly the same.
In both cases, proponents of the theory-du-jour say that in order to stave off disaster, we must reverse the march of civilization, stop our profligate use of carbon-based fuels, cede power and money from the First World to the Third World, and wherever possible revert to a Luddite pre-industrial lifestyle.
I realized: The solution (commit civilizational suicide) always remains the same; all that differs are the wildly divergent purported “crises” proffered up to justify the imposition of the solution.
Seen from this angle, the entire Climate Change field should be more properly reframed thus:
In order to weaken and eventually destroy the existing industrialized nations, we must devise an ecological “crisis” so severe that only voluntary economic suicide can solve it; and if this first crisis doesn’t materialize as planned, then devise another, and another, even if they flatly contradict our previous claims.
I had long suspected that this is the most accurate characterization of Climate Changeology; but reading The New Ice Age clinched it for me. The true purpose of climate change disaster-mongering is to permanently cripple the First World, and to elevate the Third World, in order to create a planet with no economic inequality. The goal remains constant; the supposed imminent catastrophes justifying it come and go as needed.
Below, I’ll present scanned pages from the book so you can see for yourself.
The scenario we’re in reminds me of the classic Twilight Zone episode called “The Midnight Sun”: At first we see the characters sweltering in increasingly unbearable heat as the Earth, knocked out of its orbit, slowly plummets into the sun. Just as they are all about to burn to death, in typical Twilight Zone fashion, the lead character wakes up — she had in fact merely been having a fever dream about the world getting hotter; in reality, the Earth had been knocked away from the sun, and they’re all going to freeze to death. Ha ha — gotcha! Just as in the narratives spun by the climate change catastrophists, the Earth is doomed either way, even though the disaster scenario flips from one extreme to its exact opposite. Hot, cold, whatever; one way or the other, Mother Nature will wreak revenge on us for our hubris!