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Study claims EPA’s Clean Power Plan may hike electricity prices in 47 states

Critics of the Environmental Protection Agency‘s Clean Power Plan say the new regulation will cost up to $292 billion and potentially raise electricity prices in 47 states. “States should be braced to pay higher costs,” said Laura Sheehan, senior vice president for communications for the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity. “Consumers only lose in […]

Hillary Belches 2 Tons of Carbon Dioxide An Hour After Getting Green Endorsement

Video-On Monday, Hillary Clinton accepted the endorsement of the powerful League of Conservation Voters (LCV). The next day, she hopped on a gas-guzzlingprivate Learjet (which emits 2 tons of carbon per hour) to make another appearance. Clinton’s campaign had pledged to go carbon neutral back in July 2014. However, as CNN reported three weeks ago, the Clinton […]

Kerry threatens climate skeptics: They ‘put us all at risk’ – Warns ‘we cannot sit idly by and allow them to do that’ “We have to prepare ourselves for the potential social and political consequences that stem from crop failures, water shortages, famine and outbreaks of epidemic disease,” he said. “And we have to heighten our national security readiness to deal with the possible destruction of vital infrastructure and the mass movement of refugees — particularly in […]

Rasmussen Poll: 27% of Democrats favor prosecuting ‘global warming’ skeptics – 63% of all Americans say debate is not over Global warming advocates are calling for the prosecution of groups who disagree with them, and New York State has taken it a step further by investigating Exxon Mobil for refusing to play ball with the popular scientific theory. But 68% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose the government investigating and prosecuting scientists and others including […]