NYTimes op-ed calls skeptics ‘crackpots’ — without citing a single, specific point skeptics are wrong about

NYTimes op-ed calls skeptics ‘crackpots’ — without citing a single, specific point skeptics are wrong about http://junkscience.com/2015/11/nytimes-op-ed-calls-skeptics-crackpots-without-citing-a-single-specific-point-skeptics-are-wrong-about/ Warmist believers seem to not know the slightest about what they believe. Read “The Price of Denialism” in the NYTimes. — gReader Pro

Obama: ‘Large part of this Earth’ could become uninhabitable 25 years from now

Obama: “Large part of this Earth” could become uninhabitable 25 years from now! http://newnostradamusofthenorth.blogspot.com/2015/11/obama-large-part-of-this-earth-could.html US President Barack Obama thinks that “large parts of this Earth” will become uninhabitable in “our lifetimes” if global warming is not reduced. The average life expectancy in the US is about 79 years ( 78.8 in 2012), which, considering that […]

‘They’re toxic’: Bill Nye unveils strategy to get climate ‘deniers out of the discourse’

http://www.salon.com/2015/11/06/bill_nye_demolishes_climate_deniers_im_not_a_scientist_therefore_im_not_going_to_use_my_brain/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=socialflow Nye: Part of the solution to this problem or this set of problems associated with climate change is getting the deniers out of our discourse. You know, we can’t have these people – they’re absolutely toxic. And so part of the message in this book is to get the deniers out of the picture,