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A Hell Week For Global Warming Alarmists: Crumbling Consensus, Inconvenient Data And Policy Rejection

A Hell Week For Global Warming Alarmists: Crumbling Consensus, Inconvenient Data And Policy Rejection It hasn’t been a good week for the global warming alarmists. Three events have rocked the movement and caused alarmists to go into a state of alarm. Putin calls global warming “a fraud” The first event Russian President Vladimir Putin, […]

‘The great global warming scare story’ – MELTDOWN MYTH: ‘Antarctic ice growing is just the first EVIDENCE global warming is NOT REAL’ You might think this would be great news for all those scientists who have been warning us over the last few years about the impending horrors of “man-made global warming” but in fact they are not happy about it, not one bit. Here for example is Dr Jay Zwally, the lead author of this […]