Obama Calls Senate Environment Chairman ‘Crazy’ for Doubting Climate Change
Obama rattled off his standard policy stump, with special aim at Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) for bringing a snowball onto the Senate floor in February to argue that terrorism is a greater risk than climate change. “And the planet is warming; 99 percent of scientists have said it’s warming. […]
‘Environmentalists Who Dream of a World without Themselves’
UN IPCC Lead Author: 25 Years Of Failed Global Warming Policies Have Made Us Poorer
Environmental economist Richard Tol wants the world to deal with global warming, but his data shows the past 25 years of climate policies in rich countries have done nothing to fundamentally tackle the issue. If anything, Tol argues, current and past climate policies have only served to make most people a little poorer while benefiting […]
Climate Change Kills the Mood: Economists Warn of Less Sex on a Warmer Planet
An extra “hot day” (the economists use quotation marks with the phrase) leads to a 0.4 percent drop in birth rates nine months later, or 1,165 fewer deliveries across the U.S. A rebound in subsequent months makes up just 32 percent of the gap. The researchers, who hail from Tulane University, the University of California-Santa Barbara, and […]
What Global Warming: Nasa says Antarctic ice INCREASING by 135BILLION TONNES a year
RICO-teering: How climate activists ‘knew’ they were going to pin the blame on Exxon
Flashback 1977 Shocker: Scientists Knew Man Was Not Responsible! West Antarctic Ice Sheet Collapse ‘has nothing to do with climate, just the dynamics of unstable ice’
This story of Antarctic fraud gets much worse though. The Ross Ice Shelf in West Antarctica has been rapidly retreating more than four feet per day since at least 1830, and possibly for centuries. It has nothing to do with CO2, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it. 21 Jul 1932 – […]