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‘Funny Money’: UN Climate Summit pledges will need $13.5 trillion energy sector investment says IEA Welcome to the world of funny money as ‘climate pledges’ are converted into imaginary dollars. PEIreports on the latest fantasy numbers as the Paris climate conference aka COP21 approaches. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has today released a special briefing document that outlines the energy sector implications of national decarbonisation pledges submitted for the upcoming […]

Congress investigating scientist who advocated RICO use for climate skeptics Climate scientist Jagadish Shukla is now under congressional investigation. On Monday, the Republican chairman of the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology sent a letter to the attorney for the decorated George Mason University climate dynamics professor, calling for financial details regarding the Institute of Global Environment and Society, which Shukla heads. Rep. […]

Exxon Hits Back: ‘When it comes to climate change, read the documents’ Why do we want you to read them? Because you will see that they completely undercut the allegations made by InsideClimate News in its series about ExxonMobil – allegations that were subsequently echoed by activists like Bill McKibben and Naomi Oreskes. What these documents actually demonstrate is a robust culture of scientific discourse on […]

Study shows climate change made Calif. drought less likely to occur A new peer-reviewed study refutes Gov. Jerry Brown’s assertion that global warming is behind California’s drought, indicating that climate changeneither makes droughts more likely to occur nor exacerbates them. The study, published this week in the Journal of Climate, shows that the “net effect of climate change” has made California’s agriculture drought “less likely” to happen and […]

John Kerry: Bar Global Warming Skeptics From Elected Office – ‘They disqualify themselves fundamentally from high public office’ John Kerry: “But when I hear a United States senator say, ‘I’m not a scientist so I can’t make a judgment,’ or a candidate for president for that matter, I’m absolutely astounded. I mean, it’s incomprehensible that a grownup who has been to high school and college in the United States of America disqualifies […]

Frustration Builds as Progress Slows at UN Climate Talks

Frustration Builds as Progress Slows at UN Climate Talks in Bonn Hope once again gave way to frustration as progress on options for Paris slowed to a… — gReader Pro

Top Physicist Bolts from Global Warming ‘Consensus’ And Says Obama Backed ‘Wrong Side’ Freeman Dyson is a 91-year-old theoretical physicist who was a contemporary of Einstein at Princeton, has received multiple international awards for his scientific efforts, and has published numerous books and papers on a wide range of topics. Dyson is criticizing scientists who advance what he describes as an ‘agenda-driven’ perspective on global warming. In […]

Too Much Ice? Not Enough Ice? Blame ‘Climate Change’!   The universal, voodoo all-purpose bogeyman: Climate Change. World savers are anything but. They always have an unspoken motive. H.L. Mencken saw the self-appointed saviors for what they were almost a century ago, when he said the “whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led […]

Warmist Weatherman Greg Fishel ‘was once a Limbaugh-loving climate skeptic. Now he’s fighting global warming’ Last week, the meteorologist penned a blog post titled, “Choose science, stewardship in understanding climate change,” a public admission of his previous ignorance and a plea for people like him—Republicans, churchgoers, Fox News fanatics—to approach the topic scientifically rather than ideologically. Fishel’s essay, which derides blind party and religious loyalty as “unadulterated bunk,” was […]