Actual headline: ‘Is Paris treaty all that stands between us and mass extinction?’   “The word on the street is that it’s very likely some sort of agreement will come out of Paris,” Kolbert said. “It will be hailed – perhaps rightly – as a watershed moment. But the defining question is: when do we see global emissions actually start to drop? Is Paris a success if […]

Feds declare no climate link to floods – SC’s ‘1000 year flood’ only a 10 year flood! U.S. Geological Survey: ‘No linkage between flooding & increase in GHGs’ Is this flood due to climate change? USGS research has shown no linkage between flooding (either increases or decreases) and the increase in greenhouse gases. Essentially, from USGS long-term streamgage data for sites across the country with no regulation or other changes to the watershed that could influence the streamflow, the data shows no […]