German Flagship Daily ‘Die Welt’ Ranks Gore/Pachauri Among “Worst Nobel Peace Prize Choices” Ever!
The Nobel Peace Prize Committee is (in)famous for its controversial choices when selecting the winner of the prestigious prize. Many among us recall how the Oslo-based Committee once awarded the Prize to PLO leader and terrorist Yasser Arafat. “One Peace Prize winner bombs another” Today German online flagship daily ‘Die Welt’ presents an article about the worst choices made by the Committee. For example mong them they select US President Barack Obama, who was given the award in 2009. Die Welt writes: “…when one Nobel Peace Prize laureate (Barack Obama, 2009) bombs another (Doctors Without Borders, 1999) in Afghanistan, thus killing dozens of people, then doubt is warranted over whether the Prize really delivers what it promises.” Surely one has to wonder if amid the Middle East chaos Obama has really acted in the Prize’s original spirit: “done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.” Die Welt presents its list of laureates to whom they feel the award was a blunder. Here are the top 5: 1. Henry Kissinger 2. Yasser Arafat 3. Al Gore and Rajendra Pachauri 4. Wangari Maathai 5. Barack Obama Gore and Pachauri come in third. Die Welt writes that the selection of former vice president Gore had little to do with promoting ‘fraternity among nations’. Moreover the Die Welt adds: Since then Gore’s climate-political engagement has diminished markedly, as well as that of then IPCC chairman Rajendra Pachauri, who was sharply criticized because he used dubious data to promote doomsday scenarios such as predictions of the destruction of the Netherlands or the desertification of the Amazon rainforest. Probably to avoid going over the top with its criticism, Die Welt remained diplomatic and elected not bring up the now disgraced former IPCC chairman Pachauri’s sexual harassment affair and crony green energy deals. Also the once wildly popular Barack Obama has lost his shine in Europe. Die Welt placed the current US president at number 5 on the list of Worst Peace Prize decisions, and as the turmoil in the Middle East spirals and race-baited tensions simmer in the US, he may eventually reach the top of the list before his presidency ends. Die Welt summarizes: Looking at the decisions over the past years, one could get the impression that the Nobel Peace Prize has turned into one for democracy, environmental protection and women’s rights. No doubt these are honorable targets, but they are not in the spirit of Alfred Nobel. What is probably the greatest scandal in history of the Nobel Peace Prize is that Indian peace activist Mahatma Gandhi never received it.” No surprise here. Unfortunately the committee in Oslo is all too often caught up in political correctness and flippant activism, and so do not make the right choices. Lately that has been all too frequent.
— gReader Pro