Australia MUST SAY NO to COP21 Climate Treaty

Australia MUST SAY NO to COP21 Climate Treaty

Why say “No” to a new UN Climate Treaty? 25 years of Propaganda – The upcoming conference in Paris is the culmination of more than two decades of intensive (and very expensive) propagandizing and fear-mongering aimed at convincing the people of the world (especially in The West) that we must all submit to drastic global controls or face dreadful consequences from catastrophic anthropogenic (human- caused) global warming (CAGW). Bogus ‘science’ collapsing -The Paris conference is probably the ‘last ditch stand’ for the climate alarmists because real world measurements are steadily demolishing the predictions derived from deficient computer models. For example, even though carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are steadily increasing: average global temperatures have not risen for more than 17 years. actual sea level rise is looking like approximately 17 cm per century compared with UN predictions of 90 cm. Arctic and Antarctic sea ice coverage is growing despite predictions it would disappear. Plans to subvert our democracy -The conference organisers are desperate to get every nation to sign up to a new climate treaty which will commit the entire world to new emission reduction targets and commit developed nations like Australia to billions of dollars in contributions to the UN’s climate fund. Global Governance -The UN sees such a treaty as a major step forward in establishing a world government which will be able to over-ride national sovereignties by controlling global energy resources and supply. It looks like both President Obama and misguided Pope Francis will support the UN push. Canada & Australia unwilling -The conservative national governments in Canada and Australia were the only likely standouts’ in the western world – likely to resist signing the treaty. This is because the Canadian Prime Minister (Harper) and the former Australian Prime Minister (Abbott) had both rejected any climate control policies (like carbon taxes or emission trading schemes) which were likely to damage their national economies. Plot against Abbott – For this reason, left wing forces, sponsored by UN affiliations, have successfully unseated Abbott by destabilising his Prime Ministership and are working relentlessly to replace Harper’s Party at the Canadian elections in October, 2015 Turnbull turnabout – Malcolm Turnbull and Julie Bishop, with the support of Greg Hunt, without the moderating influence of Abbott’s scepticism, now will be almost certain to sign the Paris treaty and so sell us all out. Just in case – If the new treaty is to be endorsed by Australia, it is essential that our representatives insist on an ‘ESCAPE CLAUSE’ such as was included in the previous Kyoto treaty to which Kevin Rudd signed us up in December, 2007. Otherwise, we may be submitting to UN control forever. A publication of The Southern Sydney Think Tank (SSTT) October, 2015 Email: [email protected] inspired by opinions of Lord Christopher Monckton, Global Warming Policy Foundation 

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