Warns of up to 30 foot sea level rise! Al Gore spreads environmental gospel before UN climate talks


Gore led a panel discussion with leading scientists, including NASA expert Eric Rignot, who warned that 20 to 30 feet (six to nine meters) of sea level rise is considered inevitable, although it’s unclear when this will eventually happen.

Pressed by Gore for a more precise timeline, he said to expect at least 6.5 feet before century’s end.

Such a scenario would devour many coastal cities worldwide, but Gore counseled his followers to maintain a positive focus, citing progress in the wind and solar industries.

“Despair is paralyzing,” said Gore. “We can’t deliver that message.”

(Note: NASA’s Top Antarctica Alarmist Eric Rignot Is An ‘Electrical Engineer’ – Media calls him ‘ice scientist’)

The modern world is collapsing around us and we must

Air so hot it melts airport runways, floodwaters that crumble roads and bridges, methane that blows terrifying holes in Siberia and air pollution so thick it has shortened life expectancy in China by several years featured prominently during his three-hour presentation in Miami this week.
