Climate Scientists Asking Obama To Prosecute Skeptics Got Millions From US Taxpayers
Climate change has saved hundreds of thousands of Africans from extreme poverty, starvation and premature death, a study from Arizona State University has confirmed. The study shows that the West African Sahel – part of the semiarid strip just south of the Sahara desert, which spans the African continent from the Atlantic Ocean to the […]
Pope on wrong side of history on climate change – Global warming policies are the real threat to the world’s most vulnerable people
NYU Professor: To Stop Climate Change, We Must Genetically Engineer Humans – Make Shorter, Induce Allergies to Meat & Medicate to Create ‘Empathy’
Via: NYU Professor Center for Bioethics & philosopher Matthew Liao Listen To Audio: We talk about breeding people to be shorter, something Liao says could reduce our carbon footprint. Smaller people require less energy and use fewer resources, Liao argues. But selecting for height genetically would be a nightmare, according to the most recent paper that […]
Listen: Warmist Thom Hartmann debates Skeptic: ‘You should be in jail’ for climate ‘denial’ ‘You are killing people.’ Blames skepticism for ‘dead children’ ‘I am calling you a criminal’
Shorter version here: Nationally syndicated radio host Thom Hartmann: ‘You should be in jail’ for climate denial
‘Bring them to court’: Warmist scientist Alan Betts wants RICO prosecutions of climate change opponents
Betts, who founded Atmospheric Research in 1979 to inform the public about climate-related threats, said fossil fuel companies have known for decades their activities could increase global temperatures 3 to 5 degrees. “They shifted from analyzing and understanding the problem from a scientific point of view to developing a strategy to cause doubt,” Betts said, adding that […]
Environmentalists Rage Over AP Dropping ‘Climate Change Denier’
UN’s Vision for Lifting Up the World’s Poor Differs Sharply from the Pope’s
Bjorn Lomborg: On climate change, Pope Francis isn’t listening to the world’s poor
Poorly educated women from low-income countries are among the most vulnerable people on Earth, with the weakest voice in global discussions. Their top priorities are, again, health, education and jobs. Action on global warming ranks dead last. And in Africa, global warming also comes behind every other priority. It’s only among those from the richest […]