Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation – NRK TV – Broadcast September 20, 2015
Featured Climate Depot Publisher Marc Morano:
Morano: “When you have a Pope coming out and saying ‘we must ask God for a successful outcome to a UN treaty – that’s very confusing.”
Morano: “Skeptical Catholics of global warming are now going to have to scratch their heads and say ‘Am I now in a league with people who support abortion or support birth control or gay marriage in terms of church teachings are they all equal? And they are not of course, but the media is portraying it as though they are and many Catholics believe that if you are skeptical of global warming you are not a good Catholic.”
“Carbon based energy – fossil fuels – have been one of the greatest liberators of mankind in the history of our planet. And I think the Pope needs to recognize that. He needs to tip his hat – so to speak – to fossil fueled capitalism and he needs to realize the benefits.”
Related Links:
Morano on TV: ‘The Pope should tip his hat to the oil and coal-based energy that has liberated humanity’ – Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation features Morano (Via Google Translate): ‘The Pope should tip his hat to the oil and coal-based energy that has liberated humanity, believes Marc Morano. He was one of a group of Catholic climate skeptics who traveled to Rome in April to get the Pope’s ear that he is wrong in climate policy. He runs the website Climate Depot, and attempts to influence US legislators and Catholics in climate policy.’
Morano believes that the Pope’s real motive with climate policy is the redistribution of wealth. His position has already been damaged by the fact that he acts as political, says Morano and shows that there are fewer and fewer American Catholics who say they have a favorable impression of him. “It’s confusing when many believers think that they are good Catholics, if they are skeptical about global warming,” Morano explained.
Related Links:
Get Your Climate Skeptic’s Guide To the Pope’s Visit. No Visit is Complete Without One!
Highlights: ‘When the Pope speaks on climate change, he is not speaking authoritatively on Catholic doctrine. He is merely offering his opinion.’
Scientist: ‘Most of the scientific claims cited in Pope’s encyclical are not true.’
‘There has been nothing short of an ‘Unholy Alliance’ between the Vatican and promoters of man-made climate fear. The Vatican advisors can only be described as a brew of anti-capitalist, pro-population control advocates’
‘If the pope from 300 years ago could see our world today, he’d say it was actually cleaner and healthier than his own era.’
‘The Vatican is aligning itself with a UN climate agenda that is at odds with major aspects of Catholic teachings and doctrine.’