Scientific ‘Consensus’ Can’t Agree On The Existence Of The Global Warming Hiatus   But scientists across the Atlantic aren’t buying American scientists’ claims the hiatus in warming never happened. Just a couple days before the release of the Stanford study, the UK’s Met Office — the premier climate research unit in the country — released findings that the hiatus in warming could last a few more […]

Climate change skeptics attack Pope Francis in Phila. “This is about taxation without representation,” said Elizabeth Yore, an attorney known for fighting child abuse and human trafficking. Gene Koprowski, Heartland’s marketing director, said he and colleagues initially thought the pope had spoken about climate change because he was getting “bad advice.” They now think he is inspired in part by “pagan remnants” […]

Nobel Laureate Physicist Dr. Ivar Giaever. Where’s the warming in Greenland? ‘There’s no warming there’

Where’s the warming in Greenland? – Video “We’re told that the ice in Greenland will disappear,” says Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever. But there’s no warming there. “There’s information on the internet, which is wonderful, says Giaever. “And I looked it up.” There are four harbors in Greenland, says Giaever. They are Upernavik, Iluissat/Jakobshavn, Nuuk/Godthab […]

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: Quick Note to the Pope Just two charts I would ask the pope to look at. 1.) Human progress: The amount of people, life expectancy and global personal GDP. These “hockey sticks” show that, since the advent of fossil fuels, the human condition has improved immensely.   2.) The factual record of CO2 and temperature in the geological history of […]

House Republican Plans to Boycott Pope Francis’s Speech Over Climate Change In an op-ed on the con­ser­vat­ive site Town­, the Ari­zona Re­pub­lic­an ap­pears very much con­cerned that Fran­cis will urge ac­tion to fight cli­mate change when he be­comes the first pope to speak dir­ectly to a joint ses­sion of Con­gress. The pontiff is an out­spoken ad­voc­ate of ac­tion to com­bat man-made cli­mate change, a stand […]

World court should rule on climate science to quash skeptics, says Law Prof. Philippe Sands Sands, a professor of international law at University College London and author of influential books on the Iraq war and interrogation techniques at Guantánamo Bay, said that failure to act on climate change would lead to an even bigger European refugee crisis than today’s. … “A finding of fact on one or more of […]

Scientists Ask Obama To Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics Arizona Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva went after universities employing these researchers, which resulted in one expert being forced to get out of the field of climate research altogether. “I am simply not initiating any new research or papers on the topic and I have ring-fenced my slowly diminishing blogging on the subject,” Dr. Roger […]