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Steyn’s book on Mann surges in Amazon rankings, leaving climate alarmism books in the dust

Steyn’s book on Mann surges in Amazon rankings, leaving climate alarmism books in the dust Readers surely recall the review I gave of Mark Steyn’s new book A Disgrace To The Profession on Michael E. Mann’s science as told by other climate scientists around the world. On August 11th, when I ran my review, […]

Book: “A Disgrace to the Profession” The World’s Scientists own words on Mann and his Hockey Stick

“A Disgrace to the Profession” The World’s Scientists own words on Mann and his Hockey Stick .. The unstoppable Mark Steyn has collected illuminating quotes from Michael Mann’s peers about the value of the Hockey Stick and Mann’s work. Steyn has both announced the book, and taken apart the critics like “Sir Charles” already. […]