Pope’s climate push at odds with U.S. Catholic oil investments

Pope Francis heartened environmentalists around the world in June when he urged immediate action to save the planet from the effects of climate change, declaring that the use of “highly polluting fossil fuels needs to be progressively replaced without delay.” But some of the largest American Catholic organizations have millions of dollars invested in energy […]

Octopuses ‘are aliens’, scientists decide after DNA study

Not to freak you out or anything, but scientists have just revealed that octopuses are so weird they’re basically aliens. The first full genome sequence shows of that octopuses (NOT octopi) are totally different from all other animals – and their genome shows a striking level of complexity with 33,000 protein-coding genes identified, more than […]

NOAA: USA July Temps Below Normal For 3rd Year in a Row

Via: https://sunshinehours.wordpress.com/2015/08/12/noaa-july-2015-usa-below-normal-for-3rd-year-in-a-row/ NOAA July 2015 – USA – Below Normal For 3rd Year in a Row — sunshinehours1 @ 8:08 AM According to the NOAA , Maximum temperatures in the USA were -0.77F colder than the 1901-2000 average. 1936 was ranked 121 (121 is hottest) and was 4.93F hotter than 2015. 2015 was only ranked 34.   […]

Holy CO2! Pope declares Sept. 1 to be annual global warming prayer day?! – Announces World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation

http://www.news.va/en/news/pope-francis-announces-world-day-of-prayer-for-the Pope Francis has decided to set up a “World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation” which will be celebrated on September 1st annually. … The annual World Day of prayer for the Care of Creation offers to individual believers and to the community a precious opportunity to renew our personal participation in […]

EPA’s Gina McCarthy: Global Warming ‘affects everything and everyone we know and love. It affects our kids’ – ‘Don’t Debate Climate Change Any Longer’

http://www.breitbart.com/video/2015/08/11/epas-gina-mccarthy-dont-debate-climate-change-any-longer/   McCarthy said, “Climate change is one of the most important issues we face. It is a global challenge. In many ways it is very personal to all of us because it affects everything and everyone we know and love. It affects our kids, our communities, even our ability to earn a decent living. […]

Sea Ice Amazingly Persists in Hudson and James Bay

Ice Amazingly Persists in Hudson and James Bay http://www.drroyspencer.com/2015/08/ice-amazingly-persists-in-hudson-and-james-bay/ While the world frets over global warming, sea ice amazingly persists as far south as James Bay in Canada–not much farther north than Maine–as seen in this NASA color satellite image of swirling ice patterns from yesterday, August 8, 2015 (click for full size): NASA MODIS […]

Summer polar bear habitat then & now – little impact from 2007 record-breaking sea ice low

Summer polar bear habitat then & now – little impact from 2007 record-breaking sea ice low http://polarbearscience.com/2015/08/09/summer-polar-bear-habitat-then-now-little-impact-from-2007-record-breaking-sea-ice-low Sea ice looks low for this time of year but how does it compare to 2007, when summer ice habitat for polar bears hit a record-breaking low? What can the impact of 2007 ice levels on polar bears […]

Claim: Severe droughts could lead to widespread losses of butterflies by 2050

Claim: Severe droughts could lead to widespread losses of butterflies by 2050 http://wattsupwiththat.com/2015/08/10/claim-severe-droughts-could-lead-to-widespread-losses-of-butterflies-by-2050 From the CENTRE FOR ECOLOGY & HYDROLOGY and the Edith’s Checkerspot Club comes this tale of possible bug disaster we’ve all heard before. Except, Nature often finds a way, and scientific claims of extinction sometimes end up being proven wrong by nature itself. […]

‘A Disgrace to the Profession’ book by Mark Steyn – now available

“A Disgrace to the Profession” by Mark Steyn – now available http://www.bishop-hill.net/blog/2015/8/11/a-disgrace-to-the-profession-by-mark-steyn-now-available.html In the US you can order Mark Styen’s book here and orders can be shipped to the UK, if not from Amazon then try Mark’s own bookstore. It has cartoons by me and was a fun project to be involved in. It is also […]