Liberal Nobel laureate economist Joseph Stiglitz thinks UN Climate Conference ‘doomed to failure’ – Calls Climate Talks a ‘Charade’
Another Vatican Climate Summit: Pope Calls on Jerry Brown as Climate Expert
Pope Francis’ Dr. Strangelove Craves One World Government Run by ‘Experts’
The Temperature Hiatus … Back Again
‘We’re F*cked’ – Esquire Mag. profiles warmist scientists: ‘When the End of Human Civilization Is Your Day Job’
As Michael Mann sees it, scientists like Schmidt who choose to focus on the middle of the curve aren’t really being scientific. Worse are pseudo-sympathizers like Bjorn Lomborg who always focus on the gentlest possibilities. Wife of Jason Box: “Lastly, the most difficult question to answer is about Jason [Box’s] mental health. I’d say climate change, […]