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New paper finds a large warming bias in N. Hemisphere temperatures from ‘non-valid’ station data – Published in Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics

A new paper published in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics finds that the quality of Northern Hemisphere temperature data has significantly & monotonically decreased since the year 1969, and that the continued use of ‘non-valid’ weather stations in calculating Northern Hemisphere average temperatures has created a ‘positive bias’ and “overestimation of temperatures after […]

Scientist: The Tide Is Turning, Time For Global Cooling

The old climate change dogma was that solar irradiance only varied by a miniscule amount, roughly 0.1% as measured over the normal 11 year solar cycle. This has caused many scientists to dismiss changes in the Sun’s output as unimportant to climate change here on Earth. But new research is proving this assumption to be […]