Carbon dioxide emissions keep rising despite Obama’s reign of regs A report published today by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) shows that energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have increased over the past two years, despite Obama’s bevy of new regulations since taking office in 2009. Collectively, CO2 emissions make up the largest part of overall U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, and Obama has even […]
GOP Sen. Majority Leader McConnell: Comparing climate skeptics to slaveholders a ‘depressing new low’
Cyclones, Hurricanes, Wildfires Aren’t Getting Worse
Green activists ‘are waiting to hear Hillary Clinton to say the words ‘climate change’ on the campaign trail’ Bill McKibben: “She’ll hit the main talking points in a speech, but ‘believing in climate science’ is no longer enough. In 2015 it’s about ‘keeping it in the ground’,” McKibben told the Guardian, referring to recent worldwide efforts pushing companies and organizations to divest from fossil fuels. “Beyond saying she was initially inclined to […]
Al Gore: Poor People Don’t Need Coal: ‘Renewable energy – particularly solar photovoltaic energy, or PV – far outranks coal as the best future energy choice for developing nations’