Review: ‘Merchants of Doubt’: Morano is a ‘straight-up lunatic’ with ‘a creepy light behind his eyes’ And some are just straight-up lunatics. The film has a great villain in climate-change denier and media assassin Marc Morano, who candidly, gleefully admits orchestrating personal attacks on the opposition, encouraging Internet wingnuts to send hate mail to legitimate scientists. “What I enjoy the most is going after individuals,” he says. “We’re the negative […]

Strong Recovery In Multi Year Arctic Sea Ice Continues

Strong Recovery In Multi Year Arctic Sea Ice Continues By Paul Homewood I mentioned a couple of weeks ago we have been witnessing a strong recovery in Arctic sea ice volume and thickness in the last three years. This is due to the build up of multi year ice in recent years. I […]

Analysis: ‘The Truth Behind Record Sea Temperature Claims’

The Truth Behind Record Sea Temperature Claims By Paul Homewood h/t John Kelly The Age are banging their global warming drum again, this time over what they describe as record sea temperatures around Australia. And, of, course, its YOUR FAULT! As usual, however, when you delve into the facts, things aren’t quite as […]