Latest Glacier claims debunked

More Alarmist Nonsense About Glaciers By Paul Homewood More from the “We’re all going to die, and its all YOUR fault” Department! The Daily KOS are concerned about Alaskan glaciers: The world is changing before our very eyes yet most of us choose to ignore it. There has been a lot of horrible […]

Antarctic Sea Ice Close To Record High In March

Antarctic Sea Ice Close To Record High In March By Paul Homewood Antarctic sea ice extent continues to run at well above average, with March extent 2nd highest on record, behind 2008. Sea ice ice grew rapidly during the month, as temperatures dived, adding 2.7 million sq km. At the end of […]

Superb sea ice conditions for polar bears worldwide during their critical feeding period

Superb sea ice conditions for polar bears worldwide during their critical feeding period Prognosis, excellent. The sea ice hunting platform that polar bears require is everywhere and Davis Strait ice extent is the fourth-highest it’s ever been at this time of year. The spring feeding period is a messy, brutal business – many cute […]

Poll: Americans trust Fox News over Obama on climate change According to the poll from St. Leo University, 11 percent of people said they trust Obama as a reliable source of “information about global climate change.” Meanwhile, 17 percent of people said they trust Fox New