Analysis: ‘Here’s how the Virgina AG investigation of Michael Mann differs from the Democrat inquisition of climate skeptics’
Faux outrage over Willie Soon’s disclosure? Warmist Joe Romm failed to disclose his political financial ties in a scientific paper
Faux outrage over Willie Soon’s disclosure? Joe Romm failed to disclose his political financial ties in a scientific paper After the Willie Soon imbroglio there came news that Dr. Roger Pielke Jr., who is not a climate skeptic, is also under investigation (in what can only be seen as part of a broader witch-hunt). […]
Full GOP letter against climate ‘witch hunt’: Senate EPW Republicans Take a Stand for Academic Freedom
GOP accuses Democrat of trying to ‘silence’ climate skeptics
Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr: ‘AGU (American Geophysical Union) response implicitly supports Grijalva (D-Ariz.) A failure of leadership by Margaret Leinen – President, AGU’
@RogerAPielkeSr: AGU response implicitly supports Grijalva (D-Ariz.) A failire of leadership by Margaret Leinen – President, AGU Shared via TweetCaster
Science group denounces House probe into climate skeptics’ funding
Democrats climate probe against skeptics dubbed ‘witch hunt’
American Meteorological Society warns of ‘chilling effect’ from Democrat’s probe of skeptical scientists
White House: ‘Seven in Ten Doctors Say Climate Change Is Harming Patients’
Cold Winters In DC Used To Be Caused By Global Cooling