Listen Now: Morano on radio discusses alleged 97% consensus on global warming (Audio begins at 38min.)
‘Passion for climate change cools’ as ‘prudent nations are looking again at cost of going green’
How to unscientifically hype insignificant noise in ocean ‘warming’
The research, published on Tuesday in the journal Nature Climate Change, used data collected from the array of about 3500 Argo buoys from 2006-13 to show temperatures were warming at about 0.005 degrees a year down to a depth of 500 metres and 0.002 degrees between 500-2000 metres. … The ABC don’t even mention how small the theoretical temperature […]
Why Warmists Hate Debate: Flashback 2007: Scientific Smackdown: Skeptics Voted The Clear Winners Against Global Warming Believers in Heated NYC Debate
Statistician from the U. of Mass Amherst performs very polite savaging of claims of Naomi Oreskes
Watch movie trailer: ‘Climate of Freedom’ documentary with Lord Monckton – Set for release in 2015
Playing Politics with Weather: ‘EPA head forsakes science in predicting Aspen will one day resemble Amarillo, Texas’
Warmist Naomi Klein: ‘There is still time to avoid catastrophic warming but not within the rules of capitalism as they are currently constructed’
Shock study results: Calling climate skeptics ‘deniers’ just pisses them off