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Morano on UN: ‘The UN is first and foremost political, and they have bastardized science to achieve a political end’ Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot and former staff member of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, described the climate change conference as “another summit that kicks the can down the road.” “The UN is first and foremost political, and they have bastardized science to achieve a political end,” Morano said. Nonbinding […]

Which is it? Time Mag. goes both ways on volcanoes! TIME Mag.: ‘Climate Change Leads to Volcanoes (Really)’ – Rebuttal: Study: Volcanoes ARE cooling Earth – So AGW causes more volcanoes which cool the Earth?! If you enjoyed that, there’s more of the same coming. At the current pace, the researchers predict, the uplift rate in parts of Iceland will rise to 15.7 in (40 mm) per year by the middle of the next decade, liberating more calderas and leading to one Eyjafjallajökull-scale blow every seven years. The Earth, […]