‘AP takes the cake in the relentless campaign by global-warming journalists to discredit their own profession’
Atomic Scientists: We’re getting even closer to doomsday in part due to global warming
‘Is it time to take science out of the climate change debate?’
GOP Sen Roger Wicker explains his lone ‘no’ vote on climate amendment – Saw it as ‘a political show vote’
NOAA, NASA lied on ‘warmest’ records – ‘No new record was set’
http://www.providencejournal.com/opinion/commentary/20150123-tom-harris-noaa-nasa-lied-on-warmest-records.ece Home Home News Politics Sports Business Opinion Editorials Columns Commentary Letters To The Editor Blogs Polls Lifestyle Food Entertainment Marketplace Cars Homes Jobs Obituaries Index Home > Opinion > Commentary Tom Harris: NOAA, NASA lied on ‘warmest’ records Published: January 23, 2015 01:00 AM Comments 24 An iceberg melts in Kulusuk Bay, in eastern […]
Feds Enlist Disney To Make A ‘Frozen’ Film About The Melting Arctic
State Dept. to Disney: Use ‘Frozen’ to teach kids about climate change
http://blog.sfgate.com/hottopics/2015/01/23/state-dept-to-disney-use-frozen-to-teach-kids-about-climate-change/ State Department’s Admiral Robert Papp, who heads up everything about the Arctic, recently spoke at the Arctic Frontiers conference in Norway where he unveiled the fact that he had approached Disney about creating a spin-off cartoon with the characters from Frozen to teach kids about climate change
Obama, Suzuki and cooked heating stats
Obama wants to clinch climate change deal with India during his visit
2014 Was Not the ‘Hottest Year on Record’. So Why Did NASA Claim It Was?