New Study: Sea Surface temperature warmer in both the Roman and Medieval Warm Period – Published in Chinese Science Bulletin
‘A decrease in methane emissions calls for stricter controls’?
A decrease in methane emissions calls for stricter controls The Obama administration isn’t deterred by facts it cites in its drive for a legacy. has a “Fact Sheet” on the proposal to cut methane emissions. FACT SHEET: Administration Takes Steps Forward on Climate Action Plan by Announcing Actions to Cut Methane Emissions This […]
Nature Mag: Ocean ‘calamities’ oversold, say researchers – ‘Team calls for more skepticism in marine research’
CNN: ‘The climate is ruined. So can civilization even survive?’
Pope on Climate Change: Man Has ‘Slapped Nature in the Face’
Pope Francis urges UN climate treaty – says climate change is mostly man’s fault: ‘I don’t know if it is all (man’s fault) but the majority is, for the most part, it is man who continuously slaps down nature’ The Pope said his long-awaited encyclical on the environment was almost finished and that he hoped it would be published in June, in time provide food for thought ahead of the UN climate meeting Paris in November.
‘Does the climate change debate need a reset? – on name calling in the climate change debate’
Morano in WVa: ‘Proposed changes by this board were perfectly reasonable and scientifically valid’ – Education Board Hears Debate about New Curriculum Involving Climate Change