Satellites confirm 2014 was a long way from being the ‘hottest ever year’

UAH Confirms 2014 Was Not Hottest Year By Paul Homewood UAH have now released their global temperature data for December and, as with RSS, they confirm that 2014 was a long way from being the “hottest ever year”, much touted recently. Whereas RSS have last year ranked only the 6th warmest, according to […]

Der Spiegel Dumps Cold Water On ‘Record Warm Year’ Significance … Sees Science Fraught With Widespread Uncertainty

Spiegel Dumps Cold Water On “Record Warm Year” Significance … Sees Science Fraught With Widespread Uncertainty Now that a couple of surface temperature data sets are showing 2014 was a “record warm year,” people are wondering if it means the warming pause is over, and if so, how much climate sensitivity to CO2 there […]

Two new papers suggest solar activity is a ‘climate pacemaker’

Two new papers suggest solar activity is a ‘climate pacemaker’ Here are some highlights of these two new papers published in Physics Letters A by David H. Douglass & Robert S.Knox: Central Pacific region temperature dataset SST3.4 from 1990 to 2014 is studied. SST3.4 contains a sustained signal at 1.0 cycle/yr implying solar forcing. […]

Billionaire Tom Steyer Considering Run for Retiring Senator Boxer’s Seat

Tom Steyer Considering Run for Retiring Senator Boxer’s Seat It’s still early but a bombshell was dropped into the 2016 U.S. Senate races yesterday…The post Tom Steyer Considering Run for Retiring Senator Boxer’s Seat appeared first on EcoWatch. — gReader Pro

Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: Gruber Thinking in Climate Science: Disconnect Between Academia And The Real World

Gruber Thinking in Climate Science: Disconnect Between Academia And The Real World. There are many parallels between the Jonathan Gruber story and what has occurred in climate science. Gruber used a computer model to produce justification for a US national healthcare system. This parallels the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) use of computer […]

Indian Science Conference: 2 of 3 scientists say ‘fears of man-made global warming were greatly exaggerated’ MUMBAI: Two of three scientists at a session on climate change and society at the Indian Science Congress on Tuesday felt fears of man-made global warming were greatly exaggerated. Their presence at the conference was particularly significant in light of the current ‘development-versus-envir- onment’ debates. “While I agree that glaciers are melting because of […]