NOAA scientist debunks warmist claims about Alaska heatwave: ‘Heatwave is not evidence of climate change but rather the next stage in a long-term weather pattern’ James E. Overland, a research oceanographer with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, would agree with the off-kilter part. But he would add mysterious to the mix, too. Overland argues that Alaska’s very cool heat wave is not evidence of climate change but rather the next stage in a long-term weather pattern that began […]
Warmist Video claim: ‘It Takes Only 60 Seconds to Refute Every Obnoxious Climate Denier You Know’
Gore Champions Dark Money in Global Warming Debate | Heartlander Magazine
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry on temperature standstill: ‘I expect the hiatus to continue at least another decade’
Mark Steyn: ‘The notion of a papal encyclical on climate change in order to ‘impact’ a UN conference is utterly depressing in its cobwebbed banality’
Holy smoke (and mirrors): Pope influenced by the ‘A-list of the world’s most strident climate alarmists’ Cambridge professor Peter Wadhams has been crying wolf over the melting of polar ice since time immemorial. Martin Rees is the astronomer who turned the Royal Society into little more than a hotbed of warmist propaganda. The “social scientist” Nancy Oreskes sprang to fame in 2004 for her analysis of 928 scientific papers, 75 […]
Walking the walk: UN climate ambassador Leo DiCaprio ‘ushers bikini-clad beauties aboard his boat in St Barts’
GOP’s new refrain: ‘Not a scientist’ – Climate Depot note: ‘Yes, this is a pathetic GOP reaponse’
Watch: ‘The Media Party’s constant obsession with global warming’