Climate friendly diet: New USDA diet guidelines may tell you ‘not only what foods are better for your own health, but for the environment as well’ – ‘Make sure our diets are in alignment with the need to reduce climate change’–dietary_guidelines-environment-76438ec3ea.html
‘Pope’s Mistaken Moral Calculus on Global Warming’
‘If Climate Change Is Real, Why Do Scientists Need To Fudge Data?’
Is Pope Francis any different from previous Pope on climate? If Pope Francis is a ‘radical’ environmentalist, what was Pope Benedict XVI?
Is Pope Francis really different on climate? Flashback 2011: The ‘Green’ Pope Benedict Weighs in on Durban UN Climate Talks – Joins Other Religious Leaders in a Call to Action
Americans on the move want warmth, affordability
Tepid coffee anyone? Europe rules percolators must shut off after five minutes The new rules are part of the EU’s Ecodesign initiative, which have already seen the most powerful vacuum cleaners, and traditional light bulbs banned… “Coffee is one of the many products threatened by climate change, so it’s also good to know that when you’re making a cup, you’re doing your bit to cut down on […]