2014 a quiet year for weather disasters in the U.S. – ‘Deadly hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires — were few and far between’
CO2 data shows nobody’s dead from a little carbon dioxide – ‘A little CO2 won’t hurt you. A lot of CO2 won’t hurt you. You breathe out 40,000 ppm with every breath. Do you worry about California banning YOU from breathing out?’
World is ‘safer, richer and healthier than at any time on record’
If You Lose Weight, You’re Destroying the Planet – but other studies claimed losing weight could help save the planet
Climate change learning standards for W.Va. students altered by skeptics
The Benefits of Being Cold: ‘Year-round warmth is a modern luxury, and one that could be affecting body weight and health’
A salvo of silliness: Pope’s climate activism a ‘result of a workshop of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences’
A salvo of silliness http://www.bishop-hill.net/blog/2014/12/29/a-salvo-of-silliness.html The Pope, it seems, has decided to involve himself in the climate debate, apparently because he wants to ensure that the 2015 Paris summit is a success (if you can call condemning millions of people to destitution “a success”). Via Andy Revkin I also learn that the Pope’s new-found enthusiasm […]
‘Winter hell’: Snowstorm paralyzes major Russian highway
Conservative Catholics Angry as Pope Plans to Issue Encyclical on Climate Change