Watch: Climate Depot’s Morano interviews UN IPCC Chair Pachauri in Peru – Asks about IPCC being at ‘beck and call’ of governments

LIMA, Peru — Interview conducted on December 10, 2014 at UN conference site in Lima. 

Morano: Hi Marc Morano, with Climate Hustle. What is your message here in Lima?

Rajendra Pachauri: Science. Be conscious of the science.
Pachauri: Governments also have to be conscious of the scientific reality. They are not oblivious of what is going to happen if you don’t act. I think they should also be aware of the kinds of actions that need to be taken in order to deal with the problem. So I hope that is going to be the major motivating factor.
Morano: Are you excited about the U.S on board finally?
Pachauri: Its a good thing that the U.S. and China are taking this step and I hope that it will motivate others to do something as well.
Morano: We have an an Apollo astronaut who is coming here from NASA who is a skeptic & You once said that skeptics are akin to people who believe the Earth is flat. What do you say to that? A Nasa astronaut coming who is a skeptic and obviously does not believe the moon-landing was staged? (See: Flashback 2008: There is, even today, a Flat Earth Society that meets every year to say the Earth is flat. The science about climate change is very clear. There really is no room for doubt at this point.
Pachauri: ‘God bless him.’
Note: Pachauri and his handlers ended the interview with Morano.
Related Links:

Flashback 2006: Morano Debates Pachauri at UN Conference in Kenya — Calls UN an ‘echo chamber’ where ‘dissent was being suppressed and demonized’

Flashback Jan. 2010: UN IPCC’s Pachauri a Climate Creep?! The Dr. of Climate Deceit Transforms to Dr. of Love?— ‘Smutty’ novel written by the UN climate chief Pachauri: Excerpt: ‘She removed her gown, slipped off her nightie and slid under the quilt…He was overcome by a lust…and began to feel Sajni’s body, caressing her voluptuous breasts’

Pre-Determined ‘Science’: Round Up of New UN IPCC Report: Human Extinction? IPCC at ‘beck and call’ of Govts – UN Officials Predicted Alarming Report Years Ago

