Obama Wants Kids to Learn About Global Warming – Wants students and teachers to toe the line on climate change
New paper faults World Health Organization’s willful exaggeration
The World’s Climate Change Mafia Meet in Peru – & Climate Depot will be there at UN Summit
2014 might be 0.01C warmer than 2010!
New devastating evidence of the horrifyingly rapid pace of global warming has climate scientists and their hangers-on in a frenzy of hysteria. Although 2014 is not yet over, the Met Office has issued a Press Release saying that according to the HADCRUT4 system devised by Phil Jones and his friends, 2014 looks like it is on course […]
UK Guardian credits Morano with being visionary on Aussie govt policy: ‘Coal is the moral choice,’ said Morano…it is now Australia’s official political position’
No Record Temperatures According To Satellites
Moreover, despite El Nino conditions for most of this year, this year is only running a modest 0.03C warmer than last year. RSS data for November is still awaited, but is unlikely to alter the October YTD position, which ranked 2014 as only 7th warmest. http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/ What the BBC also failed […]
NYT blames ‘freakish cold snap’; ‘record low temps’ & ‘houses engulfed’ by 7 feet of snow on — global warming!
Study using dozens of models Claims: ‘Warming Climate Can Be Slowed in a Decade’ by cutting CO2
‘The progressive war on science’: ‘The progressive war on science is aimed squarely at the energy industry’
Streisand v. Inhofe – Outrage over Inhofe singling out singer’s role in promoting ‘global warming’ – But Streisand admitted: ‘I, and others have spent countless millions on this issue’ – She funded UN IPCC Lead Author to tune of $250,000
Actress Barbra Streisand is taking to Twitter to express her outrage that the incoming GOP chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee (Sen. James Inhofe) singled her out as a key player in global warming promotion. See: The Hill: Barbra Streisand blasts Sen. Inhofe on climate change Streisand tweeted on December 2, “This would be hilarious […]