2014 might be 0.01C warmer than 2010!

New devastating evidence of the horrifyingly rapid pace of global warming has climate scientists and their hangers-on in a frenzy of hysteria. Although 2014 is not yet over, the Met Office has issued a Press Release saying that according to the HADCRUT4 system devised by Phil Jones and his friends, 2014 looks like it is on course […]

No Record Temperatures According To Satellites

Moreover, despite El Nino conditions for most of this year, this year is only running a modest 0.03C warmer than last year. RSS data for November is still awaited, but is unlikely to alter the October YTD position, which ranked 2014 as only 7th warmest.   http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/enso/mei/       What the BBC also failed […]

Streisand v. Inhofe – Outrage over Inhofe singling out singer’s role in promoting ‘global warming’ – But Streisand admitted: ‘I, and others have spent countless millions on this issue’ – She funded UN IPCC Lead Author to tune of $250,000

Actress Barbra Streisand is taking to Twitter to express her outrage that the incoming GOP chairman of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee (Sen. James Inhofe) singled her out as a key player in global warming promotion. See: The Hill: Barbra Streisand blasts Sen. Inhofe on climate change Streisand tweeted on December 2, “This would be hilarious […]