Central Ontario snowfall could reach 50 cm (19.7″)

Central Ontario snowfall could reach 50 cm (19.7″) http://iceagenow.info/2014/11/central-ontario-snowfall-reach-50-cm-19-7%e2%80%b3/ The winter storm warning in central Ontario continues with accumulations possibly reaching 50 cm (19.7″). Tuesday 11 November 2014 Winter storm warning in effect for: Chapleau – Missinaibi Lake, Gogama – Foleyet, Kapuskasing – Hearst – Smooth Rock Falls, Kirkland Lake – Englehart, Fort Albany, Moosonee, […]

Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball: ‘Man-made Global Warming (AGW) is Real: Men Really Created It’

Man-made Global Warming (AGW) is Real: Men Really Created It http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/11/09/man-made-global-warming-agw-is-real-men-really-created-it/ Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball Man-made global warming is real, because it was humans who created the idea and proved, independent of nature, that human activity was the cause. It is a real idea; it is not real in fact. It is in the […]

Forty Years Ago, The Polar Vortex Was Caused By Global Cooling

Forty Years Ago, The Polar Vortex Was Caused By Global Cooling http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/11/11/forty-years-ago-the-polar-vortex-was-caused-by-global-cooling Experts say the polar vortex is caused by global warming and disappearing ice, but forty years ago they said it was caused by global cooling and expanding ice. Scientists have found other indications of global cooling. For one thing there has been a noticeable expansion […]

New paper finds bristlecone pines (used for Mann’s hockey stick) grow at significantly different rates & often not related to temperature – Published in Environmental Research Letters

New paper finds bristlecone pines (used for Mann’s hockey stick) grow at significantly different rates & often not related to temperature http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/11/new-paper-finds-bristlecone-pines-used.html A paper published today in Environmental Research Letters has very important implications for tree-ring paleoclimate research [dendrochronology], including Michael Mann’s debunked hockey sticks. The paper finds that growth of bristlecone pines varies significantly […]