‘It’s Rarely About the Environment Anymore’
Natural Catastrophes Drop To 10-Year Low! Weather-Related Losses Mostly Due To ‘Cold Events’
Opposite Day: Warmists now say global warming causes colder winters
New paper explains how Polar Vortex is controlled by natural variability, not CO2 – Published in Climate Dynamics
New paper explains how Polar Vortex is controlled by natural variability, not CO2 http://hockeyschtick.blogspot.com/2014/10/new-paper-explains-how-polar-vortex-is.html A paper published today in Climate Dynamics finds complex, non-linear, and chaotic interactions of natural gravity waves, the El Nino Southern Oscillation [ENSO], the solar cycle, and the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation [QBO] “combine to affect the polar vortex.” The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation [QBO] and ENSO […]
Tom Steyer: The green billionaire pouring millions into the midterms – Has given nearly $56m
Scientist Dr. Daniel Botkin Dissents: ‘Climate Is Changing, & Some Parks Are Endangered, But Humans Aren’t The Cause’ – Rebuts Union of Concerned Scientist claims
Botkin: I’ve done research since 1968 on the possibility of human-caused global warming and its possible ecological effects, and have published widely on this topic, discussing possible effects on biodiversity and on specific endangered species as well as on forests, cities, and historical evidence of Arctic sea ice change. I’ve also been involved in the […]
The Unending Pause: IPCC Scientist Prof. Mojib Latif Now Sees Global Warming Pause Extending To 30 Years!
Via The No Tricks Zone: The Unending Pause: IPCC Scientist Prof. Mojib Latif Now Sees Global Warming Pause Extending To 30 Years! By P Gosselin on 26. Oktober 2014 Leading IPCC scientist Prof Mojib Latif extends the climate warming pause to 2025. Will it ever end? From Sebastian Lüning’s and Fritz Vahrenholt’s “Die kalte Sonne” site here (translated by P Gosselin): ====================================== Not a […]
UN IPCC admits new climate report all about politics! IPCC: ‘The timing is no coincidence – this is being done to be ready for Lima’ UN summit
Related Links: Flashback: Pre-Determined ‘Science’: IPCC at ‘beck and call’ of Govts – UN Officials Predicted Alarming Report Years Ago UN IPCC Chair Rajendra Pachauri admits purpose of UN IPCC report it to make the case that ‘action is needed on climate change’ UN IPCC chair Pachauri: ‘If the governments decide we should do things differently […]
MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen on EU’s climate deal: EU ‘harnessing the hysteria over speculative global warming in the service of economic suicide’
Special To Climate Depot Richard Lindzen – Professor Emeritus, MIT, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Cato Institute October 25, 2014 “This year is the 100th anniversary of the start of World War I: a war where Europe demonstrated its capacity to harness hysteria in the service of suicide. It is only fitting that the EU is celebrating […]
UN climate change draft sees risks of irreversible damage