Gallup poll: Only 17% of respondents described climate change as ‘extremely important’ – ‘Lowest number for all the issues’
People under age 35 who voted in 2012 cite climate change as a top concern, according to a poll conducted by Benson Strategy Group in conjunction with the League of Conservation Voters last year. Of those polled, 55 percent said climate change is an issue that must be addressed immediately and an additional 11 percent said it’s […]
Newly-recovered 1969 Arctic satellite data shows ice-free hole 200-300 miles wide – ‘We found holes in ice at North Pole that we didn’t expect to find”
Wash Post’s Chris Mooney’s claims called ‘nonsense’ – Claimed Surprisingly Strong Link Between Climate Change And Violence
Rebuttal to Florida Sea Level Rise Fears: ‘Sea level is barely rising in S. Florida. What they are observing is subsidence, which has nothing to do with the climate’
Even the IPCC concedes that there was no significant anthropogenic influence on climate prior to 1950, thus man is not be responsible for sea level rise beginning 150-200 years ago, at the end of the Little Ice Age. The sea level rise over the past ~200 years shows no evidence of acceleration, which is necessary to […]