Weather Channel Co-Founder John Coleman: Climate change PROVED to be ‘nothing but a lie’
Coleman’s Full Open Letter is here: # He added: “There is no significant man-made global warming at this time, there has been none in the past and there is no reason to fear any in the future. “Efforts to prove the theory that carbon dioxide is a significant greenhouse gas and pollutant causing significant warming […]
Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: ‘The incredible list of supposed horrors that increasing CO2 will bring the world is pure belief disguised as science’
56 Studies Confirm: Global warming to increase road rage & fights at baseball games! Is WaPo’s Chris Mooney serious?! Is Mooney serious? Includes charts on ‘retaliatory beanballs’ by MLB pitchers! ‘There’s a surprisingly strong link between climate change and violence’
It is important to emphasize the strength of this conclusion: It emerges from multiple studies, the vast majority of which point to the same takeaway conclusion. For example, across 19 studies, Burke and his colleagues found 24 separate estimates of the relationship between temperature changes and various kinds of conflict outcomes, and in every case, that relationship […]
Ottawa under attack by gunmen yet in Canberra the ACT Govt sponsors a drama production ‘Kill Climate Deniers’ specifically portraying an armed siege of the Australian Parliament
Via: Ottawa under attack by gunmen yet in Canberra the ACT Govt sponsors a drama production “Kill Climate Deniers” specifically portraying an armed siege of the Australian Parliament As Ottawa is experiencing shootings – you have to pinch yourself that this idiotic arts grant from the Canberra Soviet has not been nipped in the bud. I have […]
Obama admin & EU demand EVEN MORE HYSTERIA over warming in upcoming UN report – ‘Stronger Climate Warning Sought for Key UN Report’
Warmer planet ‘no risk to people’, says Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore
The Greenpeace co-founder says temperatures have flatlined for the past 18 years, but technically that’s not even a pause in warming. “That assumes it’s going up again,” Dr Moore says. “There is no way of knowing what will happen next. You can’t see through chaos with a computer program. They pretend their computer models are […]
Sociologist Proposes 30-Hour Workweeks In Order To Protect Climate In Austria
Splattergate II: Green Graphic Novel Celebrates Eco-Terrorism Shopping Mall Killing Spree
PayPal Co-Founder Is Skeptical of Man-Made Global Warming Because warmists refuse to allow debate the subject