Slimed by Naomi Oreskes – In Defense of Dr. Fred Singer

The excerpt is found in Chapter 5, “Radicals” in the middle of page 183 forward for about 3 pages. -Ron Arnold On February 24, 1994, ABC News Nightline with Ted Koppel ran a report titled, “Environmental Science For Sale,” produced by Jay Weiss. It was an investigation of the wise use movement, probing my activities […]

Watch: Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer: ‘The Myth of Carbon Pollution’ – ‘Carbon pollution’ is a propaganda slogan…It is not science’

Special to Climate Depot Video: Dr. Will Happer By Aaron Stover  – Recap of Princeton Physicist Dr. Will Happer – ‘The Myth of Carbon Pollution’ Although he’s a trained physicist he’s been working on climate science since he co-authored the book “Long Term Impacts of Increasing Atmospheric CO2.” Their estimate of climate sensitivity to CO2 was […]

Arctic Sea Ice Recovering Strongly – Extent is slightly above 2005’s level

Arctic Sea Ice Recovering Strongly By Paul Homewood Just about a month after hitting minimum, Arctic sea ice has been growing back strongly, according to DMI. Extent is slightly above 2005’s level and just below 2006’s for this time of year. — gReader Pro