‘Computer modelling has failed climate science’
New Oreskes Documentary Claims Dr. Fred Singer & Morano are ‘Liars for Hire’ – Morano called ‘star of this show’ – ‘The astonishingly charming rogue Marc Morano’
Paper: ‘Will Obama Only Fight Carbon-Neutral Wars?’
Claim: ‘Immediate Risk to National Security Posed by Global Warming’
Obama’s Ebola czar Ron Klain thinks ‘global warming’ causes increased tornadoes and hurricanes
‘Will Climate Change Denial Become a Political Liability? U.S. Treaty Envoy Thinks So’
White House Ebola Czar Was ‘Key Player’ In Solyndra Debacle
Shooting Santa to Save the World: Warmist Philippe Squarzoni’s book ‘imagines how virtuous it would be go berserk with an assault rifle in a shopping mall. And yes, he’s not not joking’
https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/tony-thomas/2014/10/shooting-santa-save-world/ A top scientist of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Jean Jouzel, is lauding a comic publication which has the heroine gunning down three Santa Clauses in a supermarket with a military assault rifle. The realistically-drawn massacre in Climate Changed by Philippe Squarzoni (Abrams, New York 2014) is meant to symbolise the need […]
Arctic Gaining Two Manhattans Of Sea Ice Every Minute
Arctic Gaining Two Manhattans Of Sea Ice Every Minute http://stevengoddard.wordpress.com/2014/10/19/arctic-gaining-two-manhattans-of-sea-ice-every-minute Over the past three days, the overheated Arctic has been gaining sea ice at a rate of one Manhattan area every 30 seconds. Green below shows the three day gain in ice. — gReader Pro
World Disasters Report for 2013 – lowest number of catastrophies and deaths in 10 years
World Disasters Report for 2013 – lowest number of catastrophies and deaths in 10 years http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/10/18/world-disasters-report-for-2013-lowest-number-of-catastrophies-and-deaths-in-10-years/ Alexej Buergin writes in WUWT Tips and Notes about a report from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) that puts climate alarmism’s claims of increased natural disasters in perspective: The “World Disasters Report 2014″ […]