Shooting Santa to Save the World: Warmist Philippe Squarzoni’s book ‘imagines how virtuous it would be go berserk with an assault rifle in a shopping mall. And yes, he’s not not joking’ A top scientist of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Dr Jean Jouzel, is lauding a comic publication which has the heroine gunning down three Santa Clauses in a supermarket with a military assault rifle. The realistically-drawn massacre in Climate Changed by Philippe Squarzoni (Abrams, New York 2014) is meant to symbolise the need […]

Arctic Gaining Two Manhattans Of Sea Ice Every Minute

Arctic Gaining Two Manhattans Of Sea Ice Every Minute Over the past three days, the overheated Arctic has been gaining sea ice at a rate of one Manhattan area every 30 seconds. Green below shows the three day gain in ice. — gReader Pro

World Disasters Report for 2013 – lowest number of catastrophies and deaths in 10 years

World Disasters Report for 2013 – lowest number of catastrophies and deaths in 10 years Alexej Buergin writes in WUWT Tips and Notes about a report from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) that puts climate alarmism’s claims of increased natural disasters in perspective: The “World Disasters Report 2014″ […]