Pentagon Signals Security Risks of Climate Change
Warmist Documentary maker: Morano is a ‘very smart guy on some levels’
Kerry: ‘What’s the Worst that Could Happen’ with Our Climate Agenda?; Inhofe: We’ll Lose Millions of Jobs
Flashback 1923: ‘WINTERS ARE WARMER…extremes of cold in winter no longer occur as they did in years gone by’
The Narracoorte Herald Friday 4 May 1923 WINTERS ARE WARMER. Why the World’s Climate is Changing. Our climate is becoming milder. There are exceptions, of course, but generally speaking, extremes of cold in winter no longer occur as they did in years gone by. Nor does this apply only to our own country. It is the same all over the world. Iceland is no longer what its name implies—the land of ice. During the winter […]
Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo on ‘the big lie of consensus’
‘Global warming scare’ declared ‘over’
Kerry: ‘Life as You Know It on Earth Ends’ If Climate Skeptics Are Wrong
New Government Report Shines a Light on the Global Warming Scam and the ‘Green Mafia’ Running it
Celebs caught in green fraud
Pentagon Declares War on ‘Climate Change’