Alex Epstein Loves Fossil Fuels, Mixing it Up with Climate Marchers in NYC
PBS’s Charlie Rose on AGW: ‘Where is the Resistance?! What Stands in the Way ofSomething that Clearly Threatens the Planet?’
Report: French President Hollande Says ‘ISIS Terror Caused by Global Warming’ – ISIS are ‘climate refugees’
Climate Worship at the Cathedral at NYC march: ‘Paid homage to Mother Earth by asking worshippers to pile stones on the altar to confirm their climate commitment’
Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry is ‘biggest threat’ to consensus: ‘A woman in the eye of the political storm over climate change’
Actual UN climate chief Figueres quote on march: ‘These past few days have been nothing less than a climate love-in’
Actual UN climate scam chief @CFigueres quote: “These past few days have been nothing less than a climate love-in”
Upcoming Anniversary: October 1st Will Mark 18 Years of No Global Warming
New Study: Climate change could be slower than forecast
Michael Mann’s trick to hide the decline — still shocking
Mann’s trick to hide the decline — still shocking Jean S revisited “Black Tuesday” with a post on Climate Audit. Even though I’ve seen these graphs before. It is still so arresting: (Click to enlarge) Graphs from a Richard Muller presentation People can debate the finer details of “splicing” but ultimately the second graph […]