Marc Morano statement on Obama bypassing Senate ratification of UN climate ‘deal’. Morano is publisher of Climate Depot, former staff of U.S. Senate Environment & Public Works Committee and producing and writing the new global warming documentary ‘Climate Hustle.’
Morano: “This is the Chinafication of America. Many global warming activists and the UN have previously praised China’s ability to impose climate and energy regulations without the messiness of democracy. See: NYT’s Friedman lauds China’s eco-policies: ‘One party can just impose politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward’
President Obama is taking a page from China’s government and is seeking to bypass democracy’s ‘very detrimental’ hurdles and just impose a new UN treaty on Americans. The Administration with both its EPA climate regulations (no climate impact) and the UN treaty has essentially declared ‘We don’t need no stinkin legislature.’
Sec. of State John Kerry is pushing the hardest for a UN agreement. See: Flashback NYT: John Kerry ‘hopes to use his position as secretary of state to achieve a legacy on global warming that has long eluded him’
We have known for years that the Obama administration was seeking no Senate ratification. See: Flashback 2009: Chris Horner: Kyoto II as Congressional-Executive Agreement: The Emerging Strategy?
Under EPA rules, the American people already face an increasingly centrally planned domestic energy economy and will now face one dictated from the United Nations without the Senate’s consent. The U.S. is currently heading to an energy deprived future. See: Winter blackouts could hit Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, regional grid operator warns
And we may end up like our European counterparts: See: Flashback 2011: We’re All North Koreans Now: ‘Era of Constant Electricity at Home is Ending, says UK power chief’ — ‘Families would have to get used to only using power when it was available’
Of course, eliminating plentiful energy is what the Obama administration officials have stated is their goal. See: Flashback 1975: John Holdren Says Real Threat to USA Is Cheap Energy: ‘The threatened far more by the hazards of too much energy, too soon, than by the hazards of too little energy, too late.’
All of this comes at a time when the evidence continues to show that man-made global warming claims are failing. Global temperatures have flat-lined for nearly 18 years (with at least 38 excuses offered). Sea level rise has decelerated. Arctic summer sea ice may hit a decade high in 2014. (Sorry John Holdren, looks like your Arctic warnings about missing winter sea ice is still far off) Antarctica sea ice is at record expansion. Extreme weather is at or near historic lows, declining trends or no trends in hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, droughts and floods.
But despite all of this, the UN IPCC’s new report will claim its worse than we thought – by continuing to make scarier and scarier predictions of 50 to 100 years from now. See: Geologist Rebuts Media-Hyped Draft Of New UN IPCC Report As ‘Nonsense Totally Contrary To Real Evidence’
When current reality fails to alarm, just make scarier and scarier predictions and claim its worse than we thought because our predictions are now more alarming.”
Flashback: EU Commissioner: Global Warming Policy Is Right Even If Science Is Wrong – EU’s Hedegaard in 2013: ‘Let’s say that science, some decades from now, said ‘we were wrong, it was not about climate’, would it not in any case have been good to do many of things you have to do in order to combat climate change?.’
Flashback: UN Secretary-General on climate deal: ‘We will establish a global governance structure’
End Morano statement.
Climatologist Dr. Pat Michaels of Cato Institute: The President simply doesn’t care about the legislative branch when it comes to climate regulations. He feels that the Supreme Court empowered him in Mass. v. EPA. He lost the House over cap and trade in 2010 so what does it matter if the voters take it out on the Senate in 2014? Besides, the electoral demographics in the Senate look as bad for the Repos in 2016 as they do for the Demos this year. So they will just be out for two years anyway.
If that’s all cold and calculating, it is. Welcome to Washington, where, with regard to climate change, we have a King, unless (fat chance) someone with standing can convince the courts to reign him in.”
Flashback 2009: Chris Horner: Kyoto II as Congressional-Executive Agreement: The Emerging Strategy?
Vulnerable Dem slams Obama over UN climate change effort – “It is fruitless for this Administration — or any Administration — to negotiate agreements with the rest of the world when it cannot even muster the support of the American people,” Rahall said Wednesday in a statement.”This Administration’s go it alone strategy is surely less about dysfunction in Congress than about the President’s own unwillingness to listen to our coal miners, steelworkers, farmers, and working families,” he added.
Flashback Feb. 2014: Obama’s UN climate agreement doesn’t need congressional approval
Obama’s Climate Plan Long in the Making
Related Links:
Study: Global climate deal won’t stop dangerous warming: ‘Climate negotiators may need to reframe their work the 2 degree goal just doesn’t appear to be achievable, no matter how strong the progress made in Paris next year,’ said fellow Point Carbon analyst Ashley Lawson.
Kyoto II climate treaty coming in 2015 — And taxpayers are paying environmental groups to design it!