The Climate-Alarmism Centerfolds…Scientists Muster Most Frightened Looks For The Camera…”Emotional Manipulation”
The general public is realizing that the climate data are showing nothing to be alarmed about. Depending on data study one looks at, global temperatures have stagnated 18 years (have even fallen over the last 10 years), sea level rise is decelerating, and again we are beginning to experience winters like we saw in the 1960s. Climate is cyclic.
So if the data aren’t at all worrisome, then what can be done to convey the message of grave concern and worry to the public? The latest stunt concocted by the imaginative minds of climate hysterics is posing before a camera and to put on the most concerned look they could possibly muster. It’s a black-and-white photography series dubbed “Scared Scientists” by Nick Bowers. Read here.
Climate propaganda has reached Orwellian dimensions.
These scientists have cooperated with a professional photographer to handle this project. Lower the lights, turn your head bit to the right. Don’t blink! Be more tense…imagine your funding is about to be eliminated – yes, perfect! Exactly the photo we want!
Yes, this is exactly the kind of worry they wanted to capture on camera – to convey their fright and worry over man-made climate change.
Just like they are trying to do their best to feign a climate catastrophe with carefully selected and posed data, the climate-alarmism centerfold scientists are now doing their utmost to feign alarmism.
Even other alarmist scienitsts are skeptical of the stunt. For example David Appell at his site writes:
It looks as fake as it is, and it also comes across as emotional manipulation. Probably we should be emotional about climate change, but come on, no one sits around all day looking worried, as if their checking account is low and the rent’s past due.”
Moreover he adds:
Look for this to be widely mocked. I can’t honestly blame anyone if they do.”
This is not something to mock. Rather it is something to be very concerned about. These scientists are no longer capable of doing objective scientific work. They’ve succumbed to their emotions and the results of their work will be potentially entirely contaminated and thus untrustworthy.