Warmists criticize media for ebola climate link! ‘The evidence is incredibly weak’ – ‘Newsweek and CNBC ran stories this week linking climate change to Ebola. I talked to 3 scientists who said ‘Nooope.’

Newsweek and CNBC ran stories this week linking climate change to Ebola. I talked to 3 scientists who said “Nooope.” http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2014/08/22/3473862/climate-change-ebola/ https://twitter.com/emorwee/status/502885221260619777 Shared via Plume http://bit.ly/GetPlume

Antarctic sea ice has been above average for 1000 straight days

Antarctic sea ice has been above average for 1000 straight days http://wattsupwiththat.com/2014/08/22/antarctic-sea-ice-has-been-above-average-for-1000-straight-days Like watching the number of days that a major hurricane has not made landfall on the United States (now over 3000 days), we can now watch the number of days that Antarctica’s sea ice continues to be above the 30 year baseline. The […]