Report: During the PAUSE, the federal gov’t has borrowed & spent about $200 BILLION on global warming
During the PAUSE, the federal gov’t has borrowed & spent about $200 BILLION on global warming. #OrganizedCrime
Warmist NYT public editor Sulliview suggests #climate skepticism is like believing the earth is flat
Warmist NYT public editor @Sulliview suggests #climate skepticism is like believing the earth is flat
Robin Williams In 2002: ‘It Is Beyond Global Warming At This Point. It’s Cooking!’
Williams took global warming seriously in the way only a great comic can. Back in 2002, he did this riff: … And they say there is no global warming, but right now the North Pole is a pool. There’s things just floating away…. It is beyond global warming at this point. It is cooking. It […]
The California Civil War: Greens vs. Blue Collar Workers
A group of 16 Assembly Democrats, led by Henry Perea of Fresno County, sent a letter to the California Air Resources Board to reconsider the state’s cap-and-trade program because of its impact on the middle-class and the poor. Perea has proposed Assembly Bill 69, which would establish a three-year suspension on the cap-and-trade program’s requirement to buy permits for transportation fuels. This rule will be […]
Fmr. Pres. Jimmy Carter smears skeptics as ‘nutcases’ – Calls for carbon tax as ‘the only reasonable approach’ Jimmy Carter blames “nutcases” for inaction on climate change Former President Carter says climate skeptics are the “biggest handicap” for the U.S. when it comes to acting on global warming. “I would say the biggest handicap we have right now is some nutcases in our country that don’t believe in global warming,” Carter said […]
Obama strangles the U.S. economy in fresh red tape to fight imaginary ‘global warming’
New paper finds most Himalayan glaciers have also ‘paused’ along with the ‘pause’ in global warming
New paper finds most Himalayan glaciers have also “paused” along with the “pause” in global warming