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EPA forced to move climate hearings on coal plant restrictions due to ‘large scale power outage’

Climate Depot Exclusive

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is being forced to relocate the agency’s Region 4 hearing on proposed climate regulations to limit carbon dioxide emissions from coal plants. (See: Obama advisor John Podesta claims EPA CO2 regs (which don’t impact global CO2 levels) are needed to combat extreme weather)

Opponents of the new EPA regulations say they will deal a devastating blow to the U.S. coal industry. Coal is in the cross-hairs of the Obama Administration’s battle to fight “global warming.” Already, the coal industry is reeling from the looming regulations. See: Coal Companies’ Pain Accelerates as Bankruptcy Cases Rise in part due to ‘tighter regulations’ – ‘pushing a number of companies to the brink of insolvency’

Climate Depot has obtained this July 25, 2014 email from Acting Congressional Liaison Dionne Delli-Gatti of US EPA’s Region 4 office. The email, sent at 2:33 PM is titled “Atlanta Clean Power Plan Public Hearing Location Changed.”

“Please be aware that as the result of a large scale power outage at the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center, EPA will hold the July 29 and 30, 2014, Atlanta Clean Power Plan public hearings at the Omni Hotel,” the EPA email alert reported. (See: Power Outage Closes Atlanta Federal Building Until Friday  & Electrical problem will keep Nunn federal building closed all week – Obama’s Promise Kept: “If somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can — it’s just that it will bankrupt them’)

The EPA email continued: “While repairs are underway at the Federal Center, there is no guarantee the facility will be fully operational in time for the hearings. This led to the agency’s decision to change locations.” [Full email below]

Reactions from energy insiders was swift.

One analyst quipped to Climate Depot: “EPA’s hearing session on their proposed guidelines to hammer existing coal plants has to be moved due to electrical outages.  Feels a bit like the ‘Gore effect’.  Perhaps a harbinger of things to come.”

(See: Is this coming to U.S. Via EPA regs? Britain ‘may be forced to use ‘last resort’ measures to avert blackouts in coming winters’)

(See: Watch Now: Morano in 3 against one Aljazeera TV debate over EPA Climate regs: ‘They are bastardizing science…demonizing carbon dioxide’)

Another wrote: “In case anyone’s looking for blog material this afternoon, EPA just announced that it has to move the location of its Atlanta GHG hearing because of a large-scale power outage at the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center.”


The complete EPA email is reproduced below:

From: Delli-Gatti, Dionne [mailto:[email protected]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 2:59 PM
Subject: Atlanta Clean Power Plan Public Hearing Location Changed

Please be aware that as the result of a large scale power outage at the Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center, EPA will hold the July 29 and 30, 2014, Atlanta Clean Power Plan public hearings at the Omni Hotel. While repairs are underway at the Federal Center, there is no guarantee the facility will be fully operational in time for the hearings. This led to the agency’s decision to change locations.

The hearing dates and times have not changed. The new location is adjacent to the CNN Center subway (MARTA) stop, and a short walk from the Federal Center.  Parking is available at and around the hotel.  EPA staff will be on hand at the Federal Center to direct attendees to the new hearing venue. Details for the new location are provided below.

WHO: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

WHAT: Public hearing in Atlanta on the Proposed Clean Power Plan

WHEN: July 29-30, 2014

The hearings will begin at 9:00 a.m. and continue until 8:00 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time.

WHERE: The Omni Hotel at CNN Center

North Tower, Level M4

100 CNN Center

190 Marietta St NW

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Phone: (404) 659-0000

Map and Directions to the Omni Hotel can be found at:

Dionne Delli-Gatti, LEED GA

Acting Congressional Liaison

US EPA Region 4


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Related Links:

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Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano at Vegas Skeptic Conference Warns: ‘We may have won every battle of the global warming war — yet with EPA they may achieve victory’ (Begins at 34 min.)

Report: ‘New EPA Regs Issued Under Obama Are 38 Times as Long as Bible’

Watch Now: Morano in 3 against one Aljazeera TV debate over EPA Climate regs: ‘They are bastardizing science…demonizing carbon dioxide’

Morano in Aljazeera TV debate: ‘The goal of focusing on a trace essential gas in the atmosphere as the big boogeyman and then altering all our policy to fit that — is wrong! The CO2 cuts should not be our destination, our destination should be economic growth, jobs and energy abundance…They are laughing as we shoot ourselves in the foot with Hocus Pokus science — meaning that EPA regulations are somehow going to affect future floods, droughts, hurricanes. It won’t even affect global CO2 levels in the end given how much developing world is advancing.’

‘This will evolve in 3 years, 5 years, from now. Once you give them expanded bureaucratic power — there is no limit. There is no limit of where future bureaucracies will go. It will be up to the whims and dictates of future bureaucrats.’

‘Ultimately this is centrally planned from the U.S. government, at a time when Spain and Europe is walking away from green jobs, at a time when Germany is becoming more dependent on coal fired power.’

‘It is not going to achieve anything for the climate, it won’t even achieve global CO2 reductions. It’s pure symbolism. And it’s not an insurance policy against global warming. If this were an insurance policy, the premium would cost more than any benefits you would ever get out of it.’

Watch Now: Prof. Ross McKitrick on Obama EPA regs: The health claims ‘are groundless’ – ‘Carbon dioxide is not a factor in smog or lung issues’ – Rips Obama for deceptive language: ‘Instead of calling it carbon dioxide, we are just going to call it ‘carbon pollution’

Prof. Roger Pielke Jr. on EPA climate regs: ‘Won’t influence future extreme weather or its impacts in any detectable way’ – ‘The so-called climate benefits of the regulations are essentially nil’

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Al Gore: ‘Today’s EPA announcement is the most important step taken to combat the climate crisis in our country’s history’

Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on Obama/EPA War on Coal: ‘U.S. has 3 & half times the coal reserves as we do shale gas. We have 27% of world’s coal reserves’: ‘Since 1970s the pollutants from coal have been reduced 90% due to technology & modernization. Since 1970s we have radically improved our air & water quality while at the same time had massive increases in population & economic growth. The states that use the most coal have the cheapest electricity costs. The next war will be on natural gas fracking, once they achieve shutting down coal plants. They go after energy that works’

Morano on July 31, 2012: ‘Coal saved the whales by getting us whale oil. Coal cleaned up U.S. cities by getting us out of knee deep horse manure. In Africa it cleans up cities -people are not burning up wood & dung to survive’

EPA’s ‘symbolic’ regs: ‘There is no claim that the [EPA] regulations will affect climate change’

