Al Gore: climate change is the ‘biggest crisis our civilisation faces’
2014 Tornado Stats: ‘So far, the tornado season has been another quiet one’
Tornado Stats By Paul Homewood Traditionally, US tornado counts peak in early June. It is encouraging then to be able to report that, so far, the tornado season has been another quiet one. While not as low as last year’s record low count, it continues the trend of […]
The climate consensus is not 97% – it’s 100%: ‘At a conference of 600 ‘climate change deniers’, then, not one delegate denied that climate changes. Likewise, not one denied that we have contributed to global warming since 1950′
Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo: ‘We will cool like we did in the 1960s and 1970s…look for temperatures to accelerate down’
Miami ‘will be swallowed as sea levels rise. Astonishingly, the population is growing, house prices are rising and building goes on. The problem is the city is run by climate change deniers’
Correcting the Bloomberg Piece on Heartland’s Climate Conference
Editorial: ‘What is N.J. doing to protect the poor, elderly from climate change?’
Watch Now: Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr Patrick Moore on Fox on fearing cold temps and blaming global warming for everything
Divestment in fossil fuels: symbolism and hypocrisy: Even warmist James Hansen: The notion ‘that renewables will let us phase rapidly off fossil fuels in the U.S. China, India, or the world as a whole is almost the equivalent of believing in the Easter Bunny and Tooth Fairy’