June 27 Global Sea Ice Area Fourth Highest On Record – Highest Since 1996
History can be altered: NOAA’s temperature control knob for the past, the present, and maybe the future – July 1936 now hottest month again
Scientists and Studies predict ‘imminent global COOLING’ ahead – Drop in global temps ‘almost a slam dunk’
Climate Depot Exclusive Round Up of Global Cooling Predictions – June 2014 Aussie Scientist Dr. David Evans: New solar theory predicts imminent global cooling: Dr. David Evans: As we head to the UNFCCC meeting in Paris 2015 where global bureaucracy beckons, a sharp cooling change appears to be developing and set to hit in the […]
Aussie Scientist Dr. David Evans: New solar theory predicts imminent global cooling
German Geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning: UN IPCC Models A Failure, ‘Have No Chance Of Success’…Sees Possible 0.2°C Of Cooling By 2020
He thinks it is also possible that the low solar activity will lead to a cooling of one or two tenths of a degree Celsius over the next 5 years, which he says “could be very interesting for the discussion” (32:00). He cites Judith Curry. At the 33:00 mark he cites other papers showing that […]
German Geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning: ‘Greenland is cooling’ – Greenland was ‘2 – 3°C warmer 6000 to 4000 years ago than it is today’ and that the ice survived
‘Global cooling imminent’: ‘Sharp cooling’ to hit in the next five years, says new solar theory
Coming global cooling? Aussie Solar Expert David Archibald: ‘Lower solar irradiance will result in lower temperatures on this planet. It is a question of when.’
Report: Canada pulls the plug on the U.S. Keystone Pipeline – will send oil to Asia – ‘Approves Asia Supply Route, Ignores US Route’
‘Obama-Style Climate and Energy Programs Have Failed Everywhere They’ve Been Tried’